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Exercise 1: Tools for Working with Clusters

In this exercise, follow the instructions in the chapter on connecting to the cluster.

a) Logging into the Cluster

Log in to the cluster. Install the appropriate program for accessing a remote computer via the SSH protocol if necessary.

b) File Transfer Programs

  • Install a file transfer program to facilitate file transfer between your personal computer and the cluster.
  • Connect to the cluster using the file transfer program.
  • Create a text file on your computer's desktop named a.txt and write some words.
  • Create a new folder called exercise1 on the cluster and transfer the file a.txt into it.
  • Open the file a.txt on the remote computer, modify the text, and save the changes.
  • Then, rename the file a.txt to b.txt and transfer it back to your desktop. Verify if the changes have been successfully made in the file.
  • Using the file transfer program on the remote computer, create a file named c.txt in the exercise1 folder. Open it, write some words in it, and save it.

c) Working Directly on the cluster

In the terminal:

  • Use the cd exercise1 command to navigate to the folder from the previous exercise.
  • Use the pwd command to check the current directory.
  • View the file's contents using the cat c.txt command.
  • If desired, open the file with the nano editor using the nano c.txt command.
  • Finally, use the cd .. command (or simply cd) to return to the user's home directory.