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Gaining Access to SLING clusters

Access is enabled both through ARC middleware and directly via SLURM interface on command line. Generally accessible clusters that provide direct access are NSC, Maister and Trdina.

Obtaining user account for direct access via SLURM command line

For using SLURM, user has to access login node. Login node is a computer, directly connected to the cluster and configured so it can communicate with its controller. It has installed the necessary tools for working in command line.

  • Login node is part of the cluster, command line and SSH protocol are used for access.
  • For access to node via SSH, users need SLING SSO account (FreeIPA server
  • Access is available to users in university, educational, research and industry-research institutions as well as Arnes users.
  • There are different types of access: national open access (enabling personal, project based and test access), workshops and, in some cases, access via institution or project.
  • Some login nodes only allow access with SSH key, taht you can upload via
  • To access Maister cluster, IP address needs to be communicated to

You can request user account at:

  • SLING support:

Obtaining access via ARC middleware

For job submission via ARC interface, you need SiGNET-CA digital certificate.

Submit request for certificate with shell script, downloadable at

Before processing the request, you will need to authenticate yourself at the following locations:


IJS jamova 39, Ljubljana dr. Jan Jona Javoršek T: 01/477-3668 E: jona.javorsek at

FACULTY OF COMPUTER AND INFORMATION SCIENCE Večna pot 113, Ljubljana prof. dr. Uroš Lotrič T: 01/477-3668 E: uros.lotric at


FACULTY OF INFORMATION STUDIES Ljubljanska cesta 31a, Novo Mesto Jani Pogačar E: jani.pogacar at


COMPUTER CENTRE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MARIBOR Slomškov trg 15, Maribor dr. Izidor Golob (vodja RCUM, pomočnik glavnega tajnika UM) T: 02/23 55 303 E: izidor.golob at

IZUM, THE INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION SCIENCE Prešernova ulica 17, Maribor Dejan Valh (vodja sektorja sistemske podpora) E: dejan.valh at