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SLING Clusters

SLING members are organisations with interest in supercomputing resources. They share their resources with other SLING members.

Clusters with free access

Some of the clusters allow open access for SLING members:

  • University of Maribor - HPC Maister
  • IJS - NSC
    • Login node:
  • ARNES - Arnes cluster
    • Login node:
  • Faculty of Information Studies in Novo mesto - clusters Rudolf and Trdina
    • Login node:
  • IZUM - Institute of Information Science - HPC Vega
    • Login node:

Other Clusters

  • Arctur: clusters Arctur1, Arctur2 (commercial service)
  • ARSO: Clusters SGI SGI ICE-X (for ARSO operational tasks and development of tools and models)
  • cluser NVidia DGX-1 (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor)
  • Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana (FMF Uni-Lj): multiple smaller clusters
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Ljubljana (FS Uni-Lj): HPCFS cluster, integrated into PRACE
  • Institut "Jožef Stefan (IJS): clusters:
    • F1 Atos- theoretical physics cluster
    • SiGNET - particle physics cluster for ATLAS experiment(Cern)
    • clusters R4/F8 - reactor physics cluster
    • NSC - general purpose IJS cluster, enables open access
    • CIPKeBIP - cluster for ML in chemistry and biology
    • K3 - chemistry cluster
  • National institute of chemistry (KI):
    • ARC cluster (Ažman computing centre - centre for high-performance computing in chemistry)
    • Vrana cluster - chemistry cluster for molecular dynamics
  • University of Nova Gorica: cluster Zorro