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Exercise 4: Video Processing

In this exercise, we can help ourselves with examples shown in chapter on video processing.

a) Employ ffmpeg

Load module FFmpeg and execute command ffmpeg -version: first on login, then on compute node.

b) Convert Sequence

Transfer short video sequence llama.mp41 on the cluster and convert it to mov format. In the end, download it to your personal computer and watch it using your favourite video player.

c) Using Video Filters

  • Process the video file from the last exercise with ffmpeg using one of mentioned filters. Be careful to run the job on compute node (use the command srun and appropriate reservation, if you have it.)

  • Let's repeat the exercise with another filter, but now save it as a different file. Download such processed video files and watch them on your personal computer.

  1. The video was created by the Blender project.